p/s: lovely du'a isnt it? hehehe (>_<)
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
That ManteraGuru2...(-_-")
Setiap hari akan ade sorang auntie ni hantar sample darah dari tempat die keje, jadi keje aku ni pulak, terima la sample2 darah tu dan hantar pulak ke lab kami.
Tapi auntie ni, aku gelarkan die sebagai ManteraGuru2...kenape aku gelarkan die manteraguru2? ahaa...sebabnye ade manteraguru1, nenkali aku story....manteraguru2 nie memang suke ikut kepala die jer.(-_-")
Tadi aku kene bebel oleh manteraguru2, sebabnye aku tak stamp die nye form yang bukti die dah hantar, selalu nye die datang, kitorang tulis je, hari ni tah ape pasal die bebel suh stamp pulak...bukan reti sabar, die kate takut orang hon kereta die , keluar dari kedai aku pun , dekat 3 kali die suruh aku bukak pintu, padahal aku dah tekan suis open dah pun...ish3...sabar je la...
Hehehe...tapi seronok gak gaduh2 ngan manteraguru2 ni...sebab, kat kedai aku ni ade dua orang staff je, nanti staff lagi satu nak pindah, tinggal la aku sorang...dengan bergaduh ngan manteraguru2 ni best gak hari aku...haha leh la bercakap dengan orang selain dinding dan tong air...
p/s: Manteraguru2 nie, suke pakai baju bunge2 dengan spek itam, dan skirt hehe everyday same je fesyen die...(^~^.)/
Monday, October 29, 2012
Stay back...
Hari tu aku bersemangat pergi kerje, 'Hari ni aku rase nak jadi pekerje yang berdedikasi'..ahaha...jadi aku pun datang awal, aku memang suke keluar awal kalau ke tempat keje...aku harap sampai bertahun2 kerje pun aku nak datang awal...hehe
Cerite nye, tempat kerje aku ni, ade dua kedai, satu yang lama, satu yang baru, jauhnye walking-distance je..dalam 5 min..tapi nak di jadikan cerite, aku kene thumb print bile masuk keje kat tempat baru, tapi tempat x-ray kat kedai lama...
Hari ni plak, ade customer yang datang dah pukul 5..boss aku mintak aku stay back, untuk buat x-ray customer tu...oleh kerana aku ni berazam nak jadi pekerje yang rajin, aku pun okey je...lagi pun umah aku dekat je...hehe
Lepas siap buat x-ray untuk customer tu, jam dah pun pukul 5.40pm...erkk...aku pun cepat2 kemas tutup kedai lame...
Lepas tutup kedai lame, aku pegi kedai baru untuk punch-out...erkk...aku ingat boss aku tunggu aku...sampai hati...aku tengok kedai baru dah tutup...so aku tak punch out la ri tu...
Mentang2 aku orang baru..hehehe...esok nye aku berazam nak membebel kat boss aku, coz aku penat2 buat x-ray untuk customer die, tapi die plak balik awal gitu je...
Tapi soknye aku jumpe boss aku, terus aku senyum je...haha...die pun senyum je...'mesti die tak tau ape yang belaku petang semalamnye,..ish3 seb bek die tu boss..hoho'
1. Boss is always right
2. If boss is wrong, refer to rule no. 1
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Loving him is like driving a new Maserati
down a dead end street, faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ended so
Loving him is like trying to change your
mind, once you’re already flying through the free fall, like the colors in
autumn, so bright just before they lose it all
Losing him was blue like I’d never known,
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know
somebody you've never met
But loving him was red
Loving him was red
Touching him is like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of
Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all
the words to your old favorite song
Fighting with him was like trying to solve
a crossword and realizing there’s no right answer
Regretting him was like wishing you never
found out love could be that strong
Losing him was blue like I’d never known
Missing him was dark grey all
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you've never met
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you've never met
But loving him was red
Oh red burning red
Remembering him comes in flashbacks and
echoes, tell myself it’s time now, gotta let go
But moving on from him is impossible
When I still see it all in my head
Burning red!
Darling it was red!
Oh, losing him was blue like I’d never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know
somebody you've never met
Cause loving him was red yeah yeah red
We're burning red
And that's why he's spinning round in my head
Comes back to me burning red, yeah yeah
Cause love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street.
i didnt own this video, credit to the owner..
p/s: merah .
beutiful song,
Monday, October 22, 2012
I didnt own this video, credit to the owner..
this video, ost from korean drama "BiG"
p/s: I didn't know myself anymore.....*feeling down*
Saturday, October 20, 2012
the time of my life ^^
The Time of My Life...
I'll always thinking of you.
p/s: gonna read this when i have time...hwaiting! (^~^.)/
bout me,
saye suke baca
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Dah Habis Training...
Aku dah tamat tempoh training aku sebagai radiographer, mula-mula nak belajar memang take time, 2-3 hari jugak la aku memang blurr...tapi Alhamdulillah , aku ade ramai kawan2 di tempat training yang sudi membantu. Thanks a lot. Terus terang, inilah 1st time aku kerje, jadi aku memang newbe serba serbi...hehe jadi, aku sgt bersyukur, sebab adenye kawan2 yang freely memberi tunjuk ajar....
Semasa tempoh training, aku pergi ke tempat kerje kat Cheras, naik kereta, aku selalu sampai 1jam awal...haha, jadi aku selalu lepak je dlm kereta bile sampai kat tempat keje.
Sebulan lebih duduk kat Cheras, buatkan aku selesa n aku dah tahu la flow kerje kat sana, jadi ..bile dah pindah kat tempat baru, flow kerje sangat berbeza. So, aku kene blajar balik benda baru, flow kat tempat kerje sebenar aku sekarang...hehe...
Sejak kerje ni, aku sedar banyak benda. aku sedar, betape susahnye ibu ayah cari duit untuk anak2, penatnye mereka, yang anak hanye tahu mintak duit saja, besarnye tanggungjawab.
Sejak kerje ni, aku belajar untuk berjimat, simpan duit untuk masa depan.
Sejak kerja ni, aku belajar membantu keluarga, tolong adik2 yang masih belajar.
Sejak kerja ni, aku tahu semuanya aku perlu alert, kalau tak siape lagi yang nak ingatkan aku....
Di sini, suasana agak lain, maksud aku, orang di sini...dari segi dress up, bahasa, merokok...memang aku rasa culture shock sekejap erkk... mungkin, dah ramai wanita yang smoking...aku xperasan ke sebelum ni??emmm xcantik la kalau perempuan smoke...hohoho
p/s: akan bersambung....
Friday, October 12, 2012
Pesanan buat kami, semasa di dewan konvo...hehe
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Gambar dari video saje...huhu...-takdacameracanggih- |
"..It about not
being in prisons by our own fears and self-limiting, you do not let resources
and you should not rely on luck, but what you often need is wisdom and efforts
to be near as many pertinent opportunity as possible, the university has
equipped you with all the tools, at least essential to used to succeed in life,
but it is up to you to put yourself in the right place at the right time. It is
your responsibility, now, to identify an area in which you have the necessary
skill and knowledge to capitalize on opportunities and to benefit from what
Allah has endowed upon you..."
Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Zaleha Kamaruddin
p/s: 1st time face to face ...hehe sian kan, kami anak angkat, duk kat kuantan hehe...
budak U,
flavour of four,
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
I'm thinking that sometimes you just have to make the decision to be happy.
Just realize that things aren't ever what you hoped they'd be. Not ever. For anybody.
The only thing that separates one kind of person from another is that there are some who stay angry about it and there are some who accept what comes their way.
-just quote-
p/s: thanks for all the wishes from all of you, i'm officially graduated now...
you've make my day, just by a simple wish.
bout me,
budak U,
Monday, October 8, 2012
The C-Day...after 6years~
Hari ni (2pm) convocation kami ^~^....yeayyy
6 tahun belajar jadi student UIA.....hehe
tahniah semua, good luck in your future....^~^
tempat duduk aku dalam dewan sebaris ngan besties....mieza and arney hehe^~^...azni n miera jauh sikit...
p/s: leh tak kalau aku wat 'peace' sign waktu amek scroll???haha
bout me,
budak U,
flavour of four,
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Toward Our C-Day
Melihat jubah convo yang tergantung di bilik aku ni....ish...teringt kat kawan2 semua....
Kenangan semasa ambil ijazah dengan kawan2 memang tak mungkin berulang...sedeh....ukhuwah yang terbina moga berterusan hingga ke syurga.
Aku suka belajar kat UIA sebab adanye kawan2 dan warga UIA...hehe kami rapat dengan kawan2 sebab majoritinye duduk dalam campus...hehe..rapat dengan lecturer, dengan pakcik driver bus, dengan staff2...dan lelain.
Ingat lagi tak lagu ni...
Kenangan semasa kami mula2 menjejak kaki di bumi UIA PJ...matrik waktu tu...hoho...will never forget...
Hari Isnin nanti (8hb Oktober 2012) hari convocation kami (untuk course aku)...hehe seronok sebab rindukan kawan2 yang dah hampir 2bulan tak jumpe...haha baru 2bulan, kalau sebelum ni, cuti panjang okey je tak jumpe pun, tapi kali ni,...memang susah dah nak jumpe satu batch...hehe
Di hari terakhir di UIA Kuantan, sebelum melangkah keluar, sempat lagi snap gambar....bila agaknye aku nak ke sana...hoho |
Semoga berjaya korang semua,...ade yang sambung belajar dah...good luck...
yang dah keje, bersabar dalam tempuhi cabaran,
yang masih mencari kerje, InsyaAllah, rezeki tu ada...rezeki masing2..
yang baru kawen, tahniah Barakah Allahu lakuma...tahniah semuanye..hehe
Semoga berjaya korang~
p/s: harap kita kan terus bersama~
bout me,
budak U,
flavour of four,
Monday, October 1, 2012
Drive di KL
Bawak kereta kat Kuala Lumpur ni....boleh mendekatkan diri dengan Allah....sebab, kita selalu ingat Allah bile bawak kereta kat sini, baca doa naik kenderaan, istigfar bile salah jalan, atau ade kereta tetibe potong atau motor cilok2 atau 'jem'...hohoho....
p/s: emm mungkin ini salah satu hikmah hidup di sini.....^~^.
p/s: emm mungkin ini salah satu hikmah hidup di sini.....^~^.
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